Members present: William Cavanaugh, Mark Karlberg, George Fuller
Others Present: Richard Furlong, David & Eva Bonney, Beth VanNess, Colleen O’Connor, Gerry Galliher, Hildegarde Freedman, Howard Lerner, Marcia Parnell, Bill Elovirta, Bob Ronzio, Ann Krawet
7:05 PM Meeting opened.
It was announced that Colleen O’Connor was audio taping the meeting.
Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements: Mark announced that the initial meeting of the Sherwood Forest Lake District went well. Bill advised that the Cemetery Commissioners met the other night and have discussed the rules and regulations for the cemetery and reviewed the repairs that need to be done. George thanked Bill for dealing with the Center Pond Lake District and Mark for dealing with the Sherwood Forest Lake District.
Richard advised that he is going out again for prices for the new well at fire station #1. He had to do this because the job requires prevailing wages and that was not included when the firemen’s association asked for prices. He is hoping to have the prices in a couple of weeks.
Richard advised that the batteries are on order for the AED’s for the fire department. He also had to order the software upgrades and the pads and the total cost is about $150.
Richard advised that BRPC is doing the well and septic system surveys in the North Becket village and letters have gone out to the property owners stating that they would be checking to see where all the wells and septic systems are located. They do not want to rely on the town records and some homes may not have the septic and well locations on file.
Richard asked the Selectmen if they wanted to cancel the meeting on the day before Thanksgiving. He said that in the past this meeting has been cancelled. He also stated that the employees generally take the Friday after Thanksgiving Day as a personal day or a floating holiday so the Selectmen would need to vote to close the town hall on that day. George asked the Selectmen if they wanted to cancel the meeting on October 27th also. Mark motioned to cancel the Selectmen’s meetings on October 27, 2010 and November 24, 2010, Bill seconded. All in favor. Mark motioned to close the town hall on Friday, November 26, 2010, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Public Input: Colleen O’Connor apologized to the Board for giving them the incorrect information at the last meeting. She advised that the barrels that she mentioned last week cannot be accessed through Mr. Robert’s property. She explained that to get to these barrels you need to go down Depot Street and head north on the railroad tracks and the barrels are close to the river by the old dump.
David Bonney asked how the Sherwood Forest Lake District meeting was moved over to the school. He asked who decided to move the meeting to the school. Mark said it was the SFNA’s decision to move the meeting. David advised that he has some open meeting law complaints that he wants to give the Selectmen. Richard advised that they need to go to the Town Clerk first and then he distributes them to the Selectmen.
Hildegarde Freedman advised that she is the representative and counselor for Jennifer Besanceney who resides at 246 Jesters Lane. She advised that the vote that was cast on October 9th was fraudulent. She also advised that Ms. Besanceney was visited by people who claimed to be on the Sherwood Forest Lake District and she was subjected to extreme duress and was rushed to sign a proxy in favor of the Lake District. They would not tell her their names. She was told that if she did not vote in favor of the Lake District then she would be subjected to huge tax increases. Hildegarde explained what happened the day Ms. Besanceney came to the town hall and George Roberts vetoed the proxy. She stated that it is not the SFLD’s right to put people under duress to vote in favor of
the Lake District. George stated that all these issues are between her and the Sherwood Forest Lake District. It is not a Selectman’s issue.
Marcia Parnell introduced herself to the Selectmen. She is chair of the Town Administrator Search Committee. She explained how the search committee is reviewing the applications that were received. The committee is waiting until the deadline on October 20, 2010 to finish reviewing the resume submissions. She is hoping to have a handful of applicants that the search committee will interview. Bill advised that in the past the search committee has narrowed down the field to three finalists that the Selectmen interview. He asked if the search committee could perform reference checks before the Selectmen do their interviews. Briefly discussed having the search committee rank the finalists before the Selectmen do their interviews. David Bonney asked why they could not go into
Executive Session to discuss the candidates. Richard advised that you could not do this. Howard Lerner stated that if is very tough to get good references in this day and age because employers do not want to say anything about past employees. Hildegarde asked what became of the committee that was going to be formed to help with grant writing. She is interested in being on this committee. George advised that this will have to wait until they hire a new administrator.
Howard Lerner thanked the town officials and everyone who helped get the Sherwood Forest Lake District formed.
The Selectmen do not need to schedule a meeting for the Sherwood Forest Lake District because they had a quorum and the Lake District was formed.
The Selectmen reviewed the Becket Ambulance Department Request for Write-Off Report. Bill motioned to grant the hardship request for patient who asked for one, Mark seconded. All in favor. Bill motioned to send the other three to the collection agency, Mark seconded. All in favor.
George advised that the Selectmen were invited to Wes Souliere’s award ceremony. He is being named a “Chevalier” of the Legion of Honor by the President of the French Republic. This award ceremony is on October 21, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. in the Community Room of the Town Hall.
The Selectmen read the response letters to Beth VanNess and Meredyth Babcock regarding their Open Meeting Law Complaints. Bill motioned to send the letters as presented to Beth VanNess and Meredyth Babcock, Mark seconded. All in favor.
The Selectmen reviewed the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Project form. Richard will review it and fill it out. Bill motioned to have Richard Furlong complete the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Project form, Mark seconded. All in favor. Richard does not think this pertains to Becket because there are no projects currently underway.
Any other business: Nina advised that the Selectmen are invited to an Energy Performance Contracting Workshop. George and Mark will attend the workshop on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
George signed a form that was needed for the CDBG.
George asked Bill Elovirta if the police department could patrol McNerney Road because people are driving too fast since they oiled and stoned the road.
Reviewed correspondence.
8:15 PM George motioned to adjourn, Mark seconded. All in favor.
Reviewed payroll/expense warrants.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary George Fuller, Chairman